The Roaming Vance: looks pretty, smells bad
The Roaming Vance: classic nz
The Roaming Vance: spring stream
The Roaming Vance: land slide marks
The Roaming Vance: Top of the falls
The Roaming Vance: Guy Fawkes Day 1
The Roaming Vance: Happy Birthday Dad
The Roaming Vance: Snow Balls
The Roaming Vance: Anthony and the castle
The Roaming Vance: King of Castles
The Roaming Vance: beach blob
The Roaming Vance: shovel and castle
The Roaming Vance: tools for fun
The Roaming Vance: creature beast
The Roaming Vance: Piha twice
The Roaming Vance: gather at the dragon fountain
The Roaming Vance: side care excitment
The Roaming Vance: anton on a stick
The Roaming Vance: anton flys