SRAM Road Diaries:
Pink bike, pink shoes
SRAM Road Diaries:
Alberto and Leap
SRAM Road Diaries:
Center of attention
SRAM Road Diaries:
Fausto, Charles, and Bastien
SRAM Road Diaries:
Ricardo Ricco takes a stroll
SRAM Road Diaries:
Spring Sky at the Giro
SRAM Road Diaries:
Levi's TT warm up
SRAM Road Diaries:
Sunrise at the Giro
SRAM Road Diaries:
Johan on the Mortirolo
SRAM Road Diaries:
Ricco Chillin'
SRAM Road Diaries:
Ricco signature
SRAM Road Diaries:
Alberto's Machine for Stage 17
SRAM Road Diaries:
Jason Phillips
SRAM Road Diaries:
Fausto greasing up Levi's bike
SRAM Road Diaries:
Leap Has Landed
SRAM Road Diaries:
Levi's warm up
SRAM Road Diaries:
Alberto and Toni before Stage 17
SRAM Road Diaries:
Jason, Alex, and Charles
SRAM Road Diaries:
Alberto's sign in
SRAM Road Diaries:
Jason's recon
SRAM Road Diaries:
Pantani Memorial
SRAM Road Diaries:
More warm up blurriness
SRAM Road Diaries:
More Beer, Mr.
SRAM Road Diaries:
Astana team dinner with the trophy
SRAM Road Diaries:
More grease
SRAM Road Diaries:
Jason on the Mortirolo
SRAM Road Diaries:
Giro map
SRAM Road Diaries:
Sean and Fausto
SRAM Road Diaries:
Astana tech crew
SRAM Road Diaries:
Astana train