thermophle: Vilnius at dusk
thermophle: The Streets of Vilnius
thermophle: Tears of remembrance
thermophle: Dawn of a new age
thermophle: I've lost my head
thermophle: the passageway
thermophle: long day
thermophle: door number one
thermophle: Pylimo 38
thermophle: Vilnius in Technicolor
thermophle: freedom of expression
thermophle: SV.IGNOTO g.
thermophle: the road
thermophle: that'll be 2 litas please, and 1 for the bird
thermophle: No parking for 50 metres...
thermophle: Reflecting on the Mona Lisa
thermophle: So long, Lithuania
thermophle: One corner of the world
thermophle: the three muses
thermophle: the green door
thermophle: All that is gold