sarahriceNC: camping...
sarahriceNC: blurry... oops
sarahriceNC: the whole gang...
sarahriceNC: sadie makes a friend
sarahriceNC: on the trail
sarahriceNC: oooooo.... ahhhhhhhh
sarahriceNC: soaking in the sites...
sarahriceNC: view from top.
sarahriceNC: on the trail
sarahriceNC: best friends.
sarahriceNC: my furry companions for the weekend.
sarahriceNC: team beard.
sarahriceNC: pretty view
sarahriceNC: which way
sarahriceNC: mysterious plant
sarahriceNC: lunch time
sarahriceNC: matt and sadie
sarahriceNC: jonscott considers the stream
sarahriceNC: tadpole
sarahriceNC: nature boy
sarahriceNC: rear view
sarahriceNC: happy dog
sarahriceNC: clean doggy teeth
sarahriceNC: snout II
sarahriceNC: snout
sarahriceNC: happy pooch
sarahriceNC: man and beast and a tall pbr
sarahriceNC: sadie
sarahriceNC: lounging
sarahriceNC: campsite