Theresaf: "I'm a show-off"
Theresaf: Little Garfield can show off too
Theresaf: Lady Dimple
Theresaf: The trio
Theresaf: Hand-raised kitten
Theresaf: Bliss - this is Ninoe
Theresaf: Beauty
Theresaf: Confusion
Theresaf: The Pose
Theresaf: Feeling pretty
Theresaf: De la Rey - owned by Taylor Underhay from Alberton
Theresaf: Ultimate relaxation
Theresaf: Nino
Theresaf: Baby Ninoe
Theresaf: Precious baby Ninoe
Theresaf: Hangover ?
Theresaf: ... and so say all of us
Theresaf: Sleeping peacefully
Theresaf: This is Georgie
Theresaf: But it can be painful at times
Theresaf: Peeping Tom
Theresaf: Timone again
Theresaf: Timone - owned by Christa Pretorius
Theresaf: Just Todd again
Theresaf: Pretty Nino
Theresaf: Toddy - also known as Buurman
Theresaf: Toddy again
Theresaf: Another Toddy
Theresaf: Toddy
Theresaf: Kiki's boy