theresa21: Megan and Mary
theresa21: Stef, Lauren, Megan
theresa21: A "feather bird" that Stef bought
theresa21: Aubrey made tiny sandwiches! They were awesome!
theresa21: Aubrey and Lauren
theresa21: My mini-greenhouse
theresa21: They're not brownies...
theresa21: The seeds I planted
theresa21: Lantana
theresa21: My mulch pile
theresa21: My bean plants
theresa21: Tiny tendrils reach out to fellow plants for support
theresa21: The whole gang
theresa21: Lantana
theresa21: A Morning Glory bloom
theresa21: Yellow Lantana
theresa21: Melinda's fabulous Faux Beef Wellington
theresa21: She plates the dish
theresa21: These puff pastries served as the "wrapper"
theresa21: Choppin and seasonin!
theresa21: Steaks!
theresa21: Melinda is very serious at the stove
theresa21: Stef makes homemade biscuits!
theresa21: I made this!