TheRedOwl: Messing with an old Minolta
TheRedOwl: Window Greenery
TheRedOwl: Lemon Balm
TheRedOwl: Hungry like the Wolf
TheRedOwl: IMG_2084
TheRedOwl: Odd Lens Flare
TheRedOwl: Flare.
TheRedOwl: Smiles
TheRedOwl: IMG_2110
TheRedOwl: Distorted
TheRedOwl: IMG_2091
TheRedOwl: IMG_2097
TheRedOwl: Branches by the Lake
TheRedOwl: IMG_2101
TheRedOwl: Why So Serious?
TheRedOwl: Mullets.
TheRedOwl: Minolta
TheRedOwl: Natural Vignette
TheRedOwl: Shoot.
TheRedOwl: Adjustments
TheRedOwl: Landscape
TheRedOwl: IMG_2090
TheRedOwl: Sunset at Lake Mendota
TheRedOwl: Crossing the 180
TheRedOwl: Eric!!!
TheRedOwl: Buddies for Life
TheRedOwl: Mullet man.
TheRedOwl: Out and about