TheRealMichaelMoore: Wicker SofaFree waiting for the rain to pass
TheRealMichaelMoore: SofaFree rolls to school.
TheRealMichaelMoore: Upscale sofafree on the lam.
TheRealMichaelMoore: Triple sofafree with matching loveseatfree.
TheRealMichaelMoore: Sofafree is a nutritional dinner.
TheRealMichaelMoore: A manifesto snacks without a tail.
TheRealMichaelMoore: The uncertain fraud figures the mass.
TheRealMichaelMoore: A lion dreads the international dish.
TheRealMichaelMoore: SofaFree and friend, just hanging out by the tracks
TheRealMichaelMoore: Sofabedfree waits in the rain
TheRealMichaelMoore: Sofafree got high at a party and thought he could fly
TheRealMichaelMoore: SofaFree, dismembered
TheRealMichaelMoore: Scaredy SofaFree
TheRealMichaelMoore: Sofafree never discriminates. Not even against hipsters.
TheRealMichaelMoore: Airchairfree searches for salvation
TheRealMichaelMoore: Sofafree takes a ride on the bicycle boulevard
TheRealMichaelMoore: Thursday, sofafree watches the walls instead
TheRealMichaelMoore: Sofafree waits for a left turn.