The Real Devil Doll: Adelphian Club
The Real Devil Doll: Adelphian Club
The Real Devil Doll: ADELPHIAN CLUB: Auditorium and stage
The Real Devil Doll: ADELPHIAN CLUB: Balcony above the auditorium
The Real Devil Doll: ADELPHIAN CLUB: Upstairs room
The Real Devil Doll: ADELPHIAN CLUB: Ceiling detail, upstairs room
The Real Devil Doll: ADELPHIAN CLUB: Upstairs room
The Real Devil Doll: ADELPHIAN CLUB: Upstairs room
The Real Devil Doll: ADELPHIAN CLUB: Upstairs kitchen
The Real Devil Doll: ADELPHIAN CLUB: Downstairs club rooms (totally gutted as of October 2010)
The Real Devil Doll: ADELPHIAN CLUB: Downstairs club rooms (totally gutted as of October 2010 - fireplace altered and painted white)
The Real Devil Doll: ADELPHIAN CLUB: Downstairs club rooms (totally gutted as of October 2010 - staircase and door/doorway: GONE)
The Real Devil Doll: ADELPHIAN CLUB: Downstairs club rooms (totally gutted as of October 2010)
The Real Devil Doll: ADELPHIAN CLUB: Downstairs club rooms (totally gutted as of October 2010)