The Real Devil Doll: Frida: ready to party
The Real Devil Doll: Pico: unbothered by fireworks
The Real Devil Doll: Lockdown heatwave 4th of July. It was a strange night.
The Real Devil Doll: Tope: another holiday, another holiday outfit
The Real Devil Doll: Independence Day 1908
The Real Devil Doll: Tuck's Independence Day Series
The Real Devil Doll: Indpendence Day sparklers from ChihuahuaRanch Jewelry made with vintage rhinestones, beads and charms (ALL SOLD)
The Real Devil Doll: Eat your heart out
The Real Devil Doll: Love on the wings of a bug?
The Real Devil Doll: If he's too small, throw him back
The Real Devil Doll: The right note, the right key
The Real Devil Doll: "Just a simple choice, right now, between fear and love. The eyes of fear want you to put bigger locks on your doors, buy guns, close yourself off. The eyes of love instead see all of us as one." - Bill Hicks
The Real Devil Doll: "You can lock up from a thief, but you can't from a liar." - Flora Thompson
The Real Devil Doll: While you're out motoring on New Year's Day beware of attacks from English Bulldogs, Dachshunds and American Eskimo dogs!
The Real Devil Doll: "Eat our dust, old man!"