The Rachel Maddow Show:
1000 Volt
The Rachel Maddow Show:
14th of July Bridge
The Rachel Maddow Show:
Blue Mosque, Green Zone
The Rachel Maddow Show:
Charcoal pit for cooking carp
The Rachel Maddow Show:
Compare outfits of the two on the right
The Rachel Maddow Show:
Downcast Baghdad
The Rachel Maddow Show:
Hot on the side of the road
The Rachel Maddow Show:
Is this queens?
The Rachel Maddow Show:
Jersey barriers and guard towers
The Rachel Maddow Show:
Mosque near Firdos Square
The Rachel Maddow Show:
Palestine Hotel
The Rachel Maddow Show:
Richard Engel between Karrada and downtown
The Rachel Maddow Show:
Richard Engel in the Green Zone
The Rachel Maddow Show:
The Rachel Maddow Show:
Welcome to your!
The Rachel Maddow Show:
And we mean it!
The Rachel Maddow Show:
Baghdad roundabout
The Rachel Maddow Show:
Cameraman Bredun getting very meta
The Rachel Maddow Show:
Downtown Baghdad
The Rachel Maddow Show:
Market in Baghdad1
The Rachel Maddow Show:
Producer Madeleine Haeringer
The Rachel Maddow Show:
Producers Cory and Madeleine
The Rachel Maddow Show:
Random guard Tower on a downtown baghdad street.
The Rachel Maddow Show:
Richard Engel
The Rachel Maddow Show:
Seen from the road in Baghdad
The Rachel Maddow Show:
Still life with camry and ak47.
The Rachel Maddow Show:
Mess Hall in the Green Zone
The Rachel Maddow Show:
Rachel hard at work
The Rachel Maddow Show:
Sat Truck
The Rachel Maddow Show:
Kimbo Dougherty