The Pollyanna Society: Knott girls Halloween 1960
The Pollyanna Society: Norm of the Ozarks
The Pollyanna Society: Traci's Perm in a Pink Bathroom
The Pollyanna Society: Miller and Knott anniversary
The Pollyanna Society: Blabber Mouth
The Pollyanna Society: Wendy in red
The Pollyanna Society: Karen and date - 1965
The Pollyanna Society: Paddlefoot Gets a Bath (1967)
The Pollyanna Society: Virginia and Bea
The Pollyanna Society: Karen graduation
The Pollyanna Society: Happy Birthday to Aunt Spaz!
The Pollyanna Society: Bob the grad
The Pollyanna Society: Miller Knott anniversary
The Pollyanna Society: Mom and Dad's Wedding
The Pollyanna Society: Wendy in highschool
The Pollyanna Society: Baby Portrait
The Pollyanna Society: Saddle Shoe Shannon
The Pollyanna Society: Dad, Mom, and Little Me
The Pollyanna Society: Hippie Shannon
The Pollyanna Society: John and Karen's wedding
The Pollyanna Society: Sherry holding Shannon