The Pollyanna Society: Firing Muskets in Front of Barracks
The Pollyanna Society: Trappers & Traders Event
The Pollyanna Society: Lt Cass Leading Drill
The Pollyanna Society: Fort Wayne soldiers
The Pollyanna Society: Pvt talking to visitors
The Pollyanna Society: Midday meal at Major Whistler's quarters
The Pollyanna Society: Firing Muskets on Drill
The Pollyanna Society: Firing Muskets on Drill
The Pollyanna Society: The Great Bondie
The Pollyanna Society: Mishinook and her mother
The Pollyanna Society: Mishinook & her Mother (sepia)
The Pollyanna Society: Cecille Peltier and Mary Starke Stickney
The Pollyanna Society: Mrs. Peltier & Mrs. Stickney
The Pollyanna Society: Angelique Peltier
The Pollyanna Society: Harriet Whistler eating midday meal
The Pollyanna Society: Lovely Mrs Stickney
The Pollyanna Society: Lovely Mrs. Stickney (sepia)
The Pollyanna Society: Soldiers drilling at Historic Fort Wayne
The Pollyanna Society: Bailey Brats
The Pollyanna Society: Pvt Johnston
The Pollyanna Society: Raising the Flag
The Pollyanna Society: Major Whistler Inspecting the Troops
The Pollyanna Society: Historic Fort Wayne Postcard 2
The Pollyanna Society: Philip Ostrander's Grave
The Pollyanna Society: Death by Bayonet
The Pollyanna Society: Maj John Whistler