trev.pix: Sunset Reflections
Aperture111: Großer und Kleiner Pfaffensee / Vinschgau / Südtirol
Egg2704: Curiosidad
Lord Muttley McFester: Kibworth, Leicestershire
Ian Gedge: Llanberis Pass (3)
Don Bullens: Lubec, Maine
Mischabel: 82. The Tree, the Man, the River...
Bernd Thaller: Styrian Lake with Island in the Sun
Lord Muttley McFester: Bognor Regis Esplanade, Sussex
Körnchen59: Licht und Schatten
raingdss: Point Cartwright - Toni Brooks
Mark Gowing: Walking the Dog
bugman11: shelter from the rain
Cretanseagull: What are you doing, you don't have to photograph me!
shutterbug_uk2012: Ethereal (Explored)
robertjamesstarling: Iron Maiden
Ray Jennings AU: ..and then the sky went pink
Richard Larssen: Norwegian romantic nationalism
The Open Wall (On/Off for a while): Flickr Top 50, Top US & Cover Photo 2016 (Fetch - Sunset)
R_Ivanova: Landscape with Buzludzha
Dennis Bartes: Northern lights Miners Beach. 2022 (1)