The Photographic Adventures of Nick Turpin:
Subject: Legs
The Photographic Adventures of Nick Turpin:
Horse Power
The Photographic Adventures of Nick Turpin:
A quiet day at the waterfront, Venice
The Photographic Adventures of Nick Turpin:
Waiting waiters
The Photographic Adventures of Nick Turpin:
I never get the birds.
The Photographic Adventures of Nick Turpin:
St Marks Cathedral, Venice.
The Photographic Adventures of Nick Turpin:
The Photographic Adventures of Nick Turpin:
Cruise ship dwarfs the Gondolas in Venice.
The Photographic Adventures of Nick Turpin:
Face in the mist, Venice
The Photographic Adventures of Nick Turpin:
Watching over us
The Photographic Adventures of Nick Turpin:
Giant Pigeon