Leo de Groot: Female grizzly bears in near fight confrontation 3 along Atnarko River near Bella Coola_BC_01_20160914
Leo de Groot: Female grizzly bears in near fight confrontation 2 along Atnarko River near Bella Coola_BC_03_20160914
Leo de Groot: Female grizzly bears in near fight confrontation 2 along Atnarko River near Bella Coola_BC_01_20160914
Leo de Groot: Female grizzly bears in near fight confrontation 1 along Atnarko River near Bella Coola_BC_05_20160914
Leo de Groot: Female grizzly bears in near fight confrontation 1 along Atnarko River near Bella Coola_BC_04_20160914
Leo de Groot: Female grizzly bears in near fight confrontation 1 along Atnarko River near Bella Coola_BC_03_20160914
Leo de Groot: Female grizzly bear with cub eats pink salmon from Atnarko River near Bella Coola_BC_04_20160914
Leo de Groot: Female grizzly bear with cub eats pink salmon from Atnarko River near Bella Coola_BC_03_20160914
Leo de Groot: Female grizzly bear with cub eats pink salmon from Atnarko River near Bella Coola_BC_02_20160914
Leo de Groot: Female grizzly bear swins in Atnarko River near Bella Coola_BC_16_20160912
Leo de Groot: Female grizzly bear swins in Atnarko River near Bella Coola_BC_14_20160912
Leo de Groot: Female grizzly bear swins in Atnarko River near Bella Coola_BC_10_20160911
Leo de Groot: Female grizzly bear swins in Atnarko River near Bella Coola_BC_09_20160911
Leo de Groot: Female grizzly bear swins in Atnarko River near Bella Coola_BC_03_20160915
Leo de Groot: Female grizzly bear swins in Atnarko River near Bella Coola_BC_02_20160915
Leo de Groot: Female grizzly bear swinning with cub shakes water off head by Atnarko River near Bella Coola_BC_03_20160914
Leo de Groot: Female grizzly bear swinning with cub shakes water off head by Atnarko River near Bella Coola_BC_01_20160914
Leo de Groot: Female grizzly bear swinning shakes water off head by Atnarko River near Bella Coola_BC_04_20160914
Leo de Groot: Female grizzly bear swinning shakes water off head by Atnarko River near Bella Coola_BC_03_20160915
Leo de Groot: Female grizzly bear swinning shakes water off head by Atnarko River near Bella Coola_BC_01_20160915
Leo de Groot: Female grizzly bear storms into Atnarko River to challenge another female near Bella Coola_BC_04_20160914
Leo de Groot: Female grizzly bear storms into Atnarko River to challenge another female near Bella Coola_BC_03_20160914
Leo de Groot: Female grizzly bear storms into Atnarko River to challenge another female near Bella Coola_BC_02_20160914
Leo de Groot: Female grizzly bear sits in Atnarko River near Bella Coola_BC_02_20160911
Leo de Groot: Female grizzly bear sits in Atnarko River near Bella Coola_BC_01_20160911
Leo de Groot: Female grizzly bear scratches itch in Atnarko River near Bella Coola_BC_02_20160911
Leo de Groot: Female grizzly bear portrait along Atnarko River near Bella Coola_BC_01_20160914
Leo de Groot: Female grizzly bear on log along Atnarko River near Bella Coola_BC_04_20160912
Leo de Groot: Female grizzly bear eats pink salmon from Atnarko River near Bella Coola_BC_18_20160912
Leo de Groot: Female grizzly bear eats pink salmon from Atnarko River near Bella Coola_BC_17_20160912