the tablehopper: Funny little diner in Merced
the tablehopper: Danny, my partner in crime
the tablehopper: Loved the Fire King collection
the tablehopper: Classic tuna melt
the tablehopper: My childhood home in Mariposa
the tablehopper: Our old home
the tablehopper: Shoshone Road
the tablehopper: Our house number
the tablehopper: Fields of lupine
the tablehopper: I forgot how they used to smell--was amazing to smell them again after so many years
the tablehopper: Nostalgic feelings
the tablehopper: Our incredible bed at Château du Sureau
the tablehopper: The Elderberry Room at Château du Sureau
the tablehopper: The Elderberry Room
the tablehopper: Elderberry Room
the tablehopper: Our soaking tub
the tablehopper: Gotta love a big vanity
the tablehopper: Have a seat
the tablehopper: Afternoon snack
the tablehopper: Closer look
the tablehopper: The sitting room/parlor at Château du Sureau
the tablehopper: Fireplace at Château du Sureau
the tablehopper: The pool at Château du Sureau
the tablehopper: Château du Sureau
the tablehopper: Château du Sureau
the tablehopper: Hi Danny
the tablehopper: Come on in, won't you?
the tablehopper: Entryway at Château du Sureau
the tablehopper: Ceiling in Erna's Elderberry House Restaurant
the tablehopper: Amuse of artic char