the tablehopper: Watch out, you'll get chocolate syrup dumped on your macchiato
the tablehopper: Sweetie
the tablehopper: This guy was awesome
the tablehopper: The Bahian booth (at the Hippie Fair)
the tablehopper: Bahian treats
the tablehopper: Lovely
the tablehopper: Serving acarajé
the tablehopper: The menu (and stand name)
the tablehopper: Acarajé!
the tablehopper: A distant Brazilian relative of Michelle Obama
the tablehopper: My other lunchtime partner (everyone sits together at the tables)
the tablehopper: The famous promenade in Copacabana
the tablehopper: Copacabana
the tablehopper: People play sports ALL THE TIME on the beach
the tablehopper: Walking in Copa
the tablehopper: Cool buildings
the tablehopper: The Copacabana Palace
the tablehopper: Sunday brunch at the Copacabana Palace
the tablehopper: Pickings from the brunch buffet
the tablehopper: Red-spotted mussel--never seen this before
the tablehopper: Cave Geisse, their sparkling of choice
the tablehopper: Inside Pérgula Restaurant
the tablehopper: The buffet
the tablehopper: More of those mussels
the tablehopper: Seafood tower of power
the tablehopper: Dessert
the tablehopper: The patio at the Copacabana Palace
the tablehopper: Bummer it was a cloudy day
the tablehopper: The Copacabana Palace
the tablehopper: Cipriani Restaurant