the tablehopper: antipasto of marinated zucchini
the tablehopper: rosetta showing us how to make the maccheroni larghi
the tablehopper: Dromesat (Pasta Grattata)
the tablehopper: how to make the dromesat
the tablehopper: dromesat
the tablehopper: close up of the dromesat
the tablehopper: "la mamma" showing us how to make fusilli calabresi
the tablehopper: making fusilli
the tablehopper: rosetta's preferred flour
the tablehopper: my favorite aprons in the class! (nice couple, too)
the tablehopper: making cavatelli
the tablehopper: our attempt at fusilli calabresi
the tablehopper: fusilli calabresi
the tablehopper: tomato sauce
the tablehopper: pasta par-tay!
the tablehopper: boiling the fusilli
the tablehopper: crema di zucchine--a delicious sauce
the tablehopper: rosetta stirring the dromesat
the tablehopper: dromesat--was so homey
the tablehopper: serving the dromesat
the tablehopper: dromesat with smoked ricotta shaved on top
the tablehopper: dromesat
the tablehopper: fusilli calabresi with pork ribs and tomato sauce on top
the tablehopper: Maccheroni Larghi alla Pecorara