the tablehopper: Josiah and zee map of zee region
the tablehopper: Josiah, ready for action
the tablehopper: table setting
the tablehopper: The lovely PDR at Café des Amis
the tablehopper: love the open window
the tablehopper: serving fried green beans
the tablehopper: guests
the tablehopper: guests
the tablehopper: fab ladies
the tablehopper: frites and vins
the tablehopper: getting underway
the tablehopper: class in session
the tablehopper: the infamous French dogs
the tablehopper: hello French dogs
the tablehopper: happy class
the tablehopper: more happy class
the tablehopper: Josiah breaking it down
the tablehopper: perfect oyster (this was after the class)
the tablehopper: after class: a French dog for the Hopstress