the tablehopper:
One of the guest rooms
the tablehopper:
The property
the tablehopper:
Gorg lettuce
the tablehopper:
garden rows
the tablehopper:
beautiful, lush gardens
the tablehopper:
green green green
the tablehopper:
lamb's ear plant
the tablehopper:
hello little honey bee
the tablehopper:
one of many stunning trees
the tablehopper:
can't remember the plant's name, argh
the tablehopper:
the tablehopper:
these plants were huge
the tablehopper:
cow parsnip
the tablehopper:
the bark of a cork tree
the tablehopper:
the tablehopper:
and the garden
the tablehopper:
the wisteria arbor
the tablehopper:
flowers everywhere
the tablehopper:
the tablehopper:
gardener Ken Boek
the tablehopper:
the tablehopper:
the tablehopper:
the tablehopper:
more quince
the tablehopper:
the tablehopper:
spring onion and olive pissaladiere
the tablehopper:
celery soup
the tablehopper:
the place setting
the tablehopper:
perfect salad of garden greens
the tablehopper:
strawberry shortcake