Tracey Paterson: 7/366: my new wee but very nutritious friends
Tracey Paterson: 9/366: a quick trip to Cromarty this afternoon - love that place - was Baltic!
Tracey Paterson: 10/366: lovely cloud over the Beauly Firth
Tracey Paterson: 11/365: on this day 6 years ago we were knee deep in snow!
Tracey Paterson: 12/366: smoothie for lunch...just in case you are wondering it was yummy!
Tracey Paterson: 13/366: happy National Rubber Duck Day!
Tracey Paterson: 14/366: a scattering of snow at lunchtime in Inverness
Tracey Paterson: 15/366: it's so cold in Inverness that even the pepper is chilli 😜
Tracey Paterson: 17/366: one wonders if Lee said yes?
Tracey Paterson: 20/366: I must say that being a Pesco-veggie for the month of January is proving exceedingly tasty!
Tracey Paterson: Rabbie Burns
Tracey Paterson: 26/366: first tulips of the season to cheer up a dreich day! Roll on Spring! #happythoughts #spring #positivevibes
Tracey Paterson: #27/365: Holocaust Memorial in Berlin - never to be forgotten! #HolocaustMemorialDay
Tracey Paterson: 28/366: Throw Back Thursday!!