theparadigmshifter: give way
theparadigmshifter: watch for 8 boulders
theparadigmshifter: edinburgh day 1: it was cold
theparadigmshifter: my first scottish rainbow
theparadigmshifter: overcast
theparadigmshifter: less overcast
theparadigmshifter: sunshine
theparadigmshifter: furry pink violet flower
theparadigmshifter: the fourth distinct weather event in as many minutes
theparadigmshifter: tousled about
theparadigmshifter: raindrops and sunbeams
theparadigmshifter: st anthony's chapel
theparadigmshifter: this plant really hurts
theparadigmshifter: it has thorns for leaves
theparadigmshifter: 16 scratches
theparadigmshifter: benign plant life
theparadigmshifter: arthur's seat
theparadigmshifter: atop arthur's seat
theparadigmshifter: stairway to nowhere
theparadigmshifter: look to the west