theparadigmshifter: sunsphere in forest
theparadigmshifter: rachmaninoff + sunsphere
theparadigmshifter: sunsphere on pond
theparadigmshifter: sunsphere + tree
theparadigmshifter: where's the sunsphere?
theparadigmshifter: sun+sunsphere
theparadigmshifter: sunsphererise
theparadigmshifter: sunsphere action
theparadigmshifter: a nice place to be
theparadigmshifter: 'set @ the 'sphere
theparadigmshifter: oh great golden orb in the sky!
theparadigmshifter: reopened: huzzah!
theparadigmshifter: golden globe?
theparadigmshifter: truss-like
theparadigmshifter: sunsphere!