thepaperpear: front cover
thepaperpear: OOPS page embellishments from Gullivers Travels
thepaperpear: inside front cover
thepaperpear: the journey begins
thepaperpear: Places I've been
thepaperpear: Places I've been
thepaperpear: Ireland
thepaperpear: Ireland
thepaperpear: Ireland
thepaperpear: Ireland
thepaperpear: Places I've been
thepaperpear: Places I've been
thepaperpear: Places I've been
thepaperpear: Places I've been
thepaperpear: Places I've been
thepaperpear: Places I've been
thepaperpear: Explore the world...
thepaperpear: ...and it's art
thepaperpear: Inside back cover