thepaperpear: red glass
thepaperpear: orange glass pitcher
thepaperpear: Amber glass leaves
thepaperpear: lavender glass basket
thepaperpear: blue glass flower frog
thepaperpear: pink glass juicer
thepaperpear: antique neclace set
thepaperpear: antique brooches
thepaperpear: antique brooches
thepaperpear: Flower frogs
thepaperpear: My beagle collection
thepaperpear: Old Sewing stuff
thepaperpear: They don't make em like they used to.
thepaperpear: Another trinket
thepaperpear: for my geisha loving friends to copy and use
thepaperpear: For my geisha loving friends to copy and use
thepaperpear: for my Geisha loving friends to copy and use