Bellah: really bad day
Bellah: Me on computer this year
Bellah: numb
Bellah: 8(?) year-old art
Bellah: a self portrait from six years ago
Bellah: blue
Bellah: 10+years ago..
Bellah: mini atc ( 1.5in.)
Bellah: Part of a series I called "The Dark Half"
Bellah: soul mates
Bellah: an older piece- part of a series i did called "galaxy ladies"
Bellah: Spirituality(ATC)
Bellah: an older atc
Bellah: another mini (1.5"by 2.5") atc for self portrait swap
Bellah: face
Bellah: lost soul
Bellah: See.
Bellah: introspection
Bellah: self-portrait from the 90's
Bellah: kick
Bellah: thing i can do
Bellah: fear and faith -(finished version)
Bellah: vulnerability {self-portrait}