The Other Pete: InTheCountry0710 05
The Other Pete: Untitled-11
The Other Pete: Untitled-7
The Other Pete: Untitled-4
The Other Pete: Untitled-1
The Other Pete: November 08
The Other Pete: November 07
The Other Pete: Amy Catherine at Thanksgiving
The Other Pete: Rebecca at Thanksgiving
The Other Pete: Simsbury 02
The Other Pete: Simsbury 03
The Other Pete: Simsbury 12 Cropped
The Other Pete: Simsbury 06
The Other Pete: Simsbury 09
The Other Pete: Weekend Project 13
The Other Pete: Weekend Project 10
The Other Pete: Weekend Project 09
The Other Pete: Weekend Project 07
The Other Pete: Weekend Project 01
The Other Pete: Weekend Project 03
The Other Pete: June28 05
The Other Pete: June28 03
The Other Pete: Farewell, Aunt Mary
The Other Pete: Raise Your Hand
The Other Pete: Enjoyment
The Other Pete: New Britain Museum of Art 3
The Other Pete: Thomas Hart Benton Mural
The Other Pete: New Britain Museum of American Art
The Other Pete: No Parking
The Other Pete: Boston's North End 02