Theory: Anna Watches Her In-Flight Movie
Theory: Enjoying the Ride
Theory: Free Cognac!
Theory: Anna en Route
Theory: Anna en Route
Theory: Drawing Through the Layover
Theory: Watching the Planes
Theory: Watching Tarmac Activity
Theory: Reflections
Theory: Enjoying the World
Theory: Happy Mom
Theory: Tired Mom!
Theory: Eiffel Tower in Sepia
Theory: Approaching the Eiffel Tower
Theory: Making our Way to the Tower
Theory: Julie
Theory: Towering
Theory: Eiffel Tower in Repair
Theory: Eiffel Tower Repair Elevator
Theory: Eiffel Tower in Repair
Theory: Mandatory “Child Chasing Pigeon” Photo
Theory: Looking Up
Theory: Looking Back
Theory: Watching Boats on the Seine
Theory: Julie and Anna on the Seine
Theory: Pont de'léna Eagle
Theory: View from our House
Theory: View from our House
Theory: Adjustment
Theory: Champignons