My penultimate shot from Sunday - @livingroomtheatre's dress rehearsal of #ilovetoddsampson and a serene moment with Michelle St Anne. The beautiful lighting produced by @matinthehat7 at @107projectsinc in Redfern. "I Love Todd Sampson Redux" opens tomor
@livingroomtheatre Michelle St Anne in the dress rehearsal of #ilovetoddsampson last night - a visually beautiful but harrowing tale of familial abuse and the havoc it reeks on individuals...
My final photo from @livingroomtheatre 's dress rehearsal of #ilovetoddsampson on Sunday night. The talented Michelle St Anne takes a bow as does Jazz and @kandooequine at @107projectsinc
Another scene...taking place in a shaft of light.... Really need a more sophisticated camera to shoot this but the light was divine. @livingroomtheatre's #ilovetoddsampson - from their dress rehearsal on Sunday at @107projectsinc - opens tomorrow!
Another scene - this is one of the more impromptu surprise scenes - from @livingroomtheatre's dress rehearsal of Michelle St Ann's #ilovetoddsampson at @107projectsinc on Sunday evening. Opens August 10! #igerssydney #ilovesydney #sydneylocal #sydneytodo