theophilus_austin: City Central Hotel, Cluj, Romania
theophilus_austin: Restaurant on a hill, Cluj, Romania
theophilus_austin: Tim in the Office, Cluj, Romania
theophilus_austin: Cluj city wall
theophilus_austin: Crows across Cluj
theophilus_austin: Town Near Turda
theophilus_austin: NI Crew Above the Turda Gorge
theophilus_austin: Romanian Ski Resort
theophilus_austin: First Snow Near Cluj
theophilus_austin: Happy Trees, Happy Trees
theophilus_austin: "I Double Dog Dare Ya"
theophilus_austin: Cluj Job Fair
theophilus_austin: We're Not in Kansas Anymore
theophilus_austin: City Central Hotel
theophilus_austin: Dragomiresti Animal Market
theophilus_austin: Dragomiresti Animal Market
theophilus_austin: Dragomiresti Animal Market
theophilus_austin: Dragomiresti Animal Market
theophilus_austin: Dragomiresti Animal Market
theophilus_austin: Dragomiresti Animal Market
theophilus_austin: Dragomiresti
theophilus_austin: Ox on the Loose!
theophilus_austin: Driving in Maramures
theophilus_austin: Church on the Hill, Ieud, Romania
theophilus_austin: Church on the Hill, Ieud, Romania
theophilus_austin: Church on the Hill, Ieud, Romania
theophilus_austin: House in Ieud
theophilus_austin: Church on the Plain, Ieud
theophilus_austin: Convent at Barsana