iecrazylately: one must ask children and birds how cherries and strawberries taste.
iecrazylately: i carry you with me into the world, into the smell of rain & the words that dance between people & for me, it will always be this way, walking in the light, remembering being alive together
iecrazylately: the water washed away everything but the chance to begin again
iecrazylately: I'm a good jumper, she said, but I'm not so good at landing. Maybe you should stay closer to the ground then, I said & she shook her head & said the ground was the whole problem in the first place.
iecrazylately: how can he remember well his ignorance—which his growth requires—who has so often to use his knowledge?
iecrazylately: trusting things beyond mistake
iecrazylately: rock star
iecrazylately: soo typical
iecrazylately: just living is not enough. one must have sunshine, freedom and a little flower.
iecrazylately: everything will be alright