Theodore A. Stark:
Beauty of the Wild
Theodore A. Stark:
Time Not Withstanding
Theodore A. Stark:
Texture and Curve
Theodore A. Stark:
A Blade, A Brook, A Bison
Theodore A. Stark:
Prehistoric Beauty
Theodore A. Stark:
Female Caution
Theodore A. Stark:
Protection of the Future
Theodore A. Stark:
A Horned Future
Theodore A. Stark:
It All Works In The End
Theodore A. Stark:
Monocromatic Reflection
Theodore A. Stark:
Theodore A. Stark:
Beauty Of A Treasure
Theodore A. Stark:
Majestic Power
Theodore A. Stark:
Evolution Of Time
Theodore A. Stark:
Never Forgotten
Theodore A. Stark:
Time And Time Again
Theodore A. Stark:
Surreal Beauty
Theodore A. Stark:
In Search Of...
Theodore A. Stark:
Stillness In The Rush
Theodore A. Stark:
Gaze In The Rain