Theodora Kalavesis:
TouCh Me
Theodora Kalavesis:
I HaVe BeeN WaiTinG FoR You..
Theodora Kalavesis:
WhaTeVer LoLa WantS
Theodora Kalavesis:
DReaM oF You..
Theodora Kalavesis:
BaBy LoVe..
Theodora Kalavesis:
FLy Me to the MooN
Theodora Kalavesis:
DanCing with Shadows
Theodora Kalavesis:
Sounds Blue..
Theodora Kalavesis:
Je Ne Veux Pas Travailler
Theodora Kalavesis:
Forget what i said
Theodora Kalavesis:
Love me or Die
Theodora Kalavesis:
After Dark
Theodora Kalavesis:
Girls just want to have fun
Theodora Kalavesis:
sweet sixteen
Theodora Kalavesis:
do you only wanna dance
Theodora Kalavesis:
town without pity
Theodora Kalavesis:
Heaven Is a Place on Earth
Theodora Kalavesis:
κάπως έτσι..
Theodora Kalavesis:
the edge of heaven
Theodora Kalavesis:
Too Funky
Theodora Kalavesis:
Always Somewhere
Theodora Kalavesis:
Hunting High and LoW
Theodora Kalavesis:
Love is a Reason
Theodora Kalavesis:
Do you only wanna dance
Theodora Kalavesis:
Someone to Watch Over Me
Theodora Kalavesis:
Alone Together
Theodora Kalavesis:
FeeLinG GooD
Theodora Kalavesis:
but now i'm back
Theodora Kalavesis:
town without pity
Theodora Kalavesis:
And at night it calls my name