Miroslav Petrasko (hdrshooter.com): Winter's day in Bojnice
Miroslav Petrasko (hdrshooter.com): Late night at the cabin
Miroslav Petrasko (hdrshooter.com): Light balls at the nativity scene
Miroslav Petrasko (hdrshooter.com): Koliba u Dobreho Pastiera
Miroslav Petrasko (hdrshooter.com): Enter the huge Christmass Ball
Miroslav Petrasko (hdrshooter.com): Colorful spring morning
Miroslav Petrasko (hdrshooter.com): Entering the Wonderland
Miroslav Petrasko (hdrshooter.com): Path around the Bojnice Castle
Miroslav Petrasko (hdrshooter.com): The one with the red star
Miroslav Petrasko (hdrshooter.com): My largest photo yet
Miroslav Petrasko (hdrshooter.com): Panorama from Rocky Mountain Lake
Miroslav Petrasko (hdrshooter.com): On the edge of the mountain
Miroslav Petrasko (hdrshooter.com): The best light source