thenorthernmonkey77: Eating with company
thenorthernmonkey77: Lone eating
thenorthernmonkey77: Wellington Night Market Street Photography
thenorthernmonkey77: At the station
thenorthernmonkey77: Free Running
thenorthernmonkey77: International record shop day
thenorthernmonkey77: 2013.11.13 Rape awareness (140)
thenorthernmonkey77: 2013.11.13 Rape awareness (123)
thenorthernmonkey77: 2013.11.13 Rape awareness (108)
thenorthernmonkey77: 2013.11.13 Rape awareness (92)
thenorthernmonkey77: 2013.11.13 Rape awareness (89)
thenorthernmonkey77: 2013.11.13 Rape awareness (82)
thenorthernmonkey77: 2013.11.13 Rape awareness (36)
thenorthernmonkey77: 2013.11.13 Rape awareness (32)
thenorthernmonkey77: 2013.11.13 Rape awareness (27)
thenorthernmonkey77: 2013.07.30 Chinon CM5 35-70mm Sigma Fujicolor C200 PRO (15)
thenorthernmonkey77: Nikon FE 50mm 1 (24)
thenorthernmonkey77: 2013.03.01 Lubitel 1st try (7)
thenorthernmonkey77: 2013.03.01 Lubitel 1st try (2)
thenorthernmonkey77: 2013.03.01 Lubitel 1st try (10)
thenorthernmonkey77: 2013.07.30 Leica MiniZoom Fujicolor C200 (9)
thenorthernmonkey77: Ricoh XRAuto 35-70 Ricoh C Fujicolor 200 (2)
thenorthernmonkey77: 2013.12.23 Kodak Retinette Fuji200 (8)
thenorthernmonkey77: 2013.12.23 Kodak Retinette Fuji200 (24)