Nathan Felix Composer: Golden Toilets for Nathan Felix's Yachting with the Kennedys
Nathan Felix Composer: Yachting with the Kennedys
Nathan Felix Composer: Yachting with the Kennedys
Nathan Felix Composer: Yachting with the Kennedys
Nathan Felix Composer: From Those Who Follow the Echoes
Nathan Felix Composer: @ SAMA w/ From Those Who Follow the Echoes
Nathan Felix Composer: @ SAMA w/ From Those Who Follow the Echoes
Nathan Felix Composer: SPOT Festival premiere
Nathan Felix Composer: SPOT Festival premiere
Nathan Felix Composer: From Those Who Follow the Echoes
Nathan Felix Composer: Brian Caron @ SAMA w/From Those Who Follow the Echoes
Nathan Felix Composer: Candice Jackson
Nathan Felix Composer: From Those Who Follow the Echoes
Nathan Felix Composer: From Those Who Follow the Echoes
Nathan Felix Composer: From Those Who Follow the Echoes
Nathan Felix Composer: From Those Who Follow the Echoes
Nathan Felix Composer: From Those Who Follow the Echoes
Nathan Felix Composer: FTWFTE @ Hotel Emma (Photo by Dio Traverso)
Nathan Felix Composer: FTWFTE @ McNay (photo by Nathan Felix)
Nathan Felix Composer: From Those Who Follow the Echoes choir (photo by Nathan Felix)
Nathan Felix Composer: From Those Who Follow the Echoes (NFelix Choir)
Nathan Felix Composer: From Those Who Follow the Echoes
Nathan Felix Composer: Neon Heaven premiere at SPOT Festival
Nathan Felix Composer: Neon Heaven premiere at SPOT Festival
Nathan Felix Composer: Andre, Mike, Nathan editing
Nathan Felix Composer: Conductor, Andre Lousada asking for silence