the new pink: Camiseta customizada
the new pink: Vestido de estampa liberty
the new pink: Vestido que customizei pra Nats
the new pink: mix de estampas
the new pink: Tiara Lação
the new pink: Macaquinho Eu que fiz
the new pink: Vestido de cetim
the new pink: Vestido longo de um só ombro
the new pink: Antes e depois / Before and after
the new pink: Saia Longa - eu que fiz
the new pink: Look Converse
the new pink: Look do dia: Melissa Night
the new pink: Look Liking again and again
the new pink: Macacão - Eu que fiz
the new pink: Look Maxi Saia
the new pink: Look bege e beringela