TheMomentOfJack: 煙雨迷濛之張家界!傳說中的阿里路亞山⋯⋯The one from Avatar? hehe
TheMomentOfJack: 土家小姑娘坐等遊客
TheMomentOfJack: 寶峰湖之送客松!
TheMomentOfJack: 對的上歌就帶你走!
TheMomentOfJack: 玲瓏的小飾品
TheMomentOfJack: 我曾飛過
TheMomentOfJack: 一個人的快樂
TheMomentOfJack: 石洞外面風景如畫!
TheMomentOfJack: stone again...and again
TheMomentOfJack: 不一樣的鐘乳石again...
TheMomentOfJack: 深邃的石洞
TheMomentOfJack: 不一樣的鐘乳石
TheMomentOfJack: 石洞頂
TheMomentOfJack: 世界第一高鐘乳石
TheMomentOfJack: 鐘乳石陣
TheMomentOfJack: 黃龍洞裡的河-the river inside the cave
TheMomentOfJack: 120/365-[guide from Zhangjiajie]-[超級可愛的土家妹子]
TheMomentOfJack: 公轉自轉
TheMomentOfJack: 你看到了什麼?
TheMomentOfJack: 天門狐仙的舞台一角
TheMomentOfJack: 從這裡開始,向上1000階台階!
TheMomentOfJack: 2 Directors
TheMomentOfJack: 119/365-[Director Fu]
TheMomentOfJack: lovely story!~
TheMomentOfJack: yep, i m in the some kind mood...
TheMomentOfJack: sunlight morning-[x100 series]
TheMomentOfJack: dark side
TheMomentOfJack: 118/365-[while i m thinking]