TheMomentOfJack: 001/365-[Let the memory action]
TheMomentOfJack: 002/365-[Happy is easy sometime]
TheMomentOfJack: 003/365-[hold there, laugh later]
TheMomentOfJack: 004/365-[The Master]
TheMomentOfJack: 005/365-[HO~~!~~]
TheMomentOfJack: 006/365-[From South Ameria too]
TheMomentOfJack: 007/365-[Back to Taipei]-[回家]
TheMomentOfJack: 008/365-[god shes small]-[小小的滿足]
TheMomentOfJack: 009/365-[I knew hes different]
TheMomentOfJack: 010/365-[600c for a girl? in taipei?]
TheMomentOfJack: 011/365-[designer of LUSSO]
TheMomentOfJack: 012/365-[ i see u]
TheMomentOfJack: 013/365-[ think of together ]
TheMomentOfJack: 014/365-[Earth Day]
TheMomentOfJack: 015/365-[the moment when men is charming]
TheMomentOfJack: 016/365-[u only old when u think u r old]
TheMomentOfJack: 017/365-[Jamaica refuge]
TheMomentOfJack: 018/365-[ monk from Tibet ]
TheMomentOfJack: 019/365-[ come from the past ]-[一路走來]
TheMomentOfJack: 020/365-[ from yr heart ]- [一切從內心開始]
TheMomentOfJack: 021/365-[ when u think of character ]
TheMomentOfJack: 022/365-[u never know wuts behind the smile] - [ 你永遠不知道笑容背後是什麽 ]
TheMomentOfJack: 023/365-[it happens whether u r young or old]-[這次上帝是公平的]
TheMomentOfJack: 024/365-[tonight, let the wind blow~ let the love spread~]
TheMomentOfJack: 025/365-[ care ]-[ 在乎 ]
TheMomentOfJack: 026/365-[they dont just look good]-[ 不僅僅是外表 ]
TheMomentOfJack: 027/365-[love is like IronMan II]-[電影不是做愛]
TheMomentOfJack: 028/365-[ friendship inbetween] - [ 夾縫中的友誼]
TheMomentOfJack: 029/365-[ once is enough ]
TheMomentOfJack: 030/365-[ see what i see ]