The Mighty Omega: Grave of the dolls
The Mighty Omega: An experiment in exposure latitude
The Mighty Omega: Another St. Vincent's Ambulance
The Mighty Omega: St. Vincent's Ambulance
The Mighty Omega: Prison or apartment block?
The Mighty Omega: Alternate Side is in Effect Today
The Mighty Omega: Outside the Omega Fortress
The Mighty Omega: Outside the 72nd St Subway station
The Mighty Omega: Down Broadway
The Mighty Omega: Ansonia Apartments
The Mighty Omega: New headhouse at 72nd and Broadway
The Mighty Omega: Tenement Museum
The Mighty Omega: E. 17th and Ave. I, Flatbush
The Mighty Omega: Avenue I and E. 17th, Flatbush
The Mighty Omega: Entrance to St. Vincent's Hospital
The Mighty Omega: The Playground
The Mighty Omega: Out the Front Window
The Mighty Omega: CadetA8Efke100July09-003
The Mighty Omega: CadetA8Efke100July09-004
The Mighty Omega: Chemistry Window
The Mighty Omega: Church of St. Vincent De Paul 2
The Mighty Omega: Church of St. Vincent De Paul
The Mighty Omega: Masonic Lodge
The Mighty Omega: Lantern Waste?