The Mighty Omega:
Zeiss Ikon Box Tengor 56/2
The Mighty Omega:
Zeiss Ikon Nettar 515
The Mighty Omega:
Zeiss Ikon Ikonta 522/24
The Mighty Omega:
Zeiss-Ikon/Ernemann Film K
The Mighty Omega:
Agfa Ansco Cadet A-8
The Mighty Omega:
Kodak No. 2 Brownie Model D
The Mighty Omega:
Zeiss-Ikon Erabox, Before
The Mighty Omega:
Zeiss-Ikon Erabox, after
The Mighty Omega:
Beautyflex D
The Mighty Omega:
Zeiss-Ikon Ikonta 521/16
The Mighty Omega:
Red Kodak No. 2 Brownie Model F
The Mighty Omega:
Ensign Ful-Vue II, Before
The Mighty Omega:
Ensign Ful-Vue II, After
The Mighty Omega:
Ful-Vue vewifinder
The Mighty Omega:
Front view, Zeiss Ikon Baldur Box
The Mighty Omega:
Rusted out Zeiss Ikon Baldur Box
The Mighty Omega:
Zeiss Ikon Baldur 51/2 Box Camera
The Mighty Omega:
Box Tengor 54
The Mighty Omega:
Thornward Dandy #4 Box Camera
The Mighty Omega:
Thornward Dandy #4, Aperture Plate
The Mighty Omega:
Shutter guts from the Thornward Dandy #4
The Mighty Omega:
Bronica ETRS Medium Format SLR