Nene: Dancing3
Nene: Rajeev Kaushik
Nene: Rajeev on the phone to his fiancee Natasha (another Natasha!) in India
Nene: Dancing2
Nene: Dancing1
Nene: Twinkie After
Nene: Twinkie And Oreos
Nene: Twinkie Before
Nene: Rajeev Speaks
Nene: Natasha Speaks
Nene: Paul Speaks
Nene: Jelly Donuts
Nene: Jelly Donuts
Nene: Question: What's your sign?
Nene: Trevor Tasha
Nene: Trevor Tasha
Nene: Nicaraguan Rum and Chicken Kerala - an unlikely but delicious combination
Nene: Pakora And Shrimp
Nene: Mixed Veggie Pakora
Nene: Stuffed Jalapenos