the mighty jimbo: Half the people at the rally wouldn't recognize bill here.
the mighty jimbo: I much prefer spiders.
the mighty jimbo: They mush have spell check.
the mighty jimbo: Bad times
the mighty jimbo: Sane and patriotic
the mighty jimbo: Jesus watches comedy central too.
the mighty jimbo: Rally to Restore Sanity.
the mighty jimbo: Lots of people watch Comedy Central. Go figure.
the mighty jimbo: Mary in the wolf pack!
the mighty jimbo: Jesus is for Prop 19
the mighty jimbo: Peace Dammit
the mighty jimbo: Light on Lincoln
the mighty jimbo: a lot less puking this time
the mighty jimbo: what an easy 16 miles looks like
the mighty jimbo: move to jersey
the mighty jimbo: finish hard
the mighty jimbo: almost to the chipotle