the mighty jimbo: You got your traditions, I got mine.
the mighty jimbo: Father's daughters.
the mighty jimbo: You got your traditions, I got mine.
the mighty jimbo: Monkey marine
the mighty jimbo: Monkey Mia
the mighty jimbo: Monkey Mush
the mighty jimbo: Monkey Me
the mighty jimbo: Tubular, G
the mighty jimbo: Looks harmless, doesn't he?
the mighty jimbo: I know you missed him.
the mighty jimbo: Titan for Turkey
the mighty jimbo: Beastieball.
the mighty jimbo: Devil in disguise.
the mighty jimbo: I wasn't this smart in college.
the mighty jimbo: Can I PUHLEEEEEZE have some turkey?
the mighty jimbo: Flag bearer.
the mighty jimbo: Three trotters and a Jimbo
the mighty jimbo: Trotters.
the mighty jimbo: He almost looks normal
the mighty jimbo: And I STILL haven't put up any lights....
the mighty jimbo: IMG_6514.jpg
the mighty jimbo: Looks better on him than a Cadilac.