the mighty jimbo: Kendra, the trout whisperer.
the mighty jimbo: Sometimes even he will pose for me.
the mighty jimbo: The fish don't stand a chance.
the mighty jimbo: Fish fighter.
the mighty jimbo: The tioga test.
the mighty jimbo: He's one of the boys too.
the mighty jimbo: Sierra scenery.
the mighty jimbo: My ticket(s) to the Emergency Room.
the mighty jimbo: Meadow Mush
the mighty jimbo: Tioga Meadow
the mighty jimbo: Condos for the locals
the mighty jimbo: Through the Aspens.
the mighty jimbo: Josh doesn't like peckers.
the mighty jimbo: King of the stump.
the mighty jimbo: Lessons in futility.
the mighty jimbo: More locals.
the mighty jimbo: another cutthroat.
the mighty jimbo: Lake Mccloud.
the mighty jimbo: Light in the aspens.
the mighty jimbo: Cutthroat
the mighty jimbo: Cutthroat.
the mighty jimbo: What? Where?
the mighty jimbo: Tioga Meadows.