the mighty jimbo: Different beauty...
the mighty jimbo: And the Beast...
the mighty jimbo: Beauty...
the mighty jimbo: Death to squeakies.
the mighty jimbo: Orange Assault.
the mighty jimbo: Mamabear.
the mighty jimbo: Don't let him fool you: Demon baby.
the mighty jimbo: Daddy's Boy.
the mighty jimbo: Mama's Girl
the mighty jimbo: Since we are all sick of cliche dog pics...
the mighty jimbo: Now THAT'S a MUSH.
the mighty jimbo: Wasn't going to take long...
the mighty jimbo: Apparently Mom might have been from Utah.
the mighty jimbo: Makin faces.
the mighty jimbo: It's all his fault.
the mighty jimbo: WhatEVER.
the mighty jimbo: More more more.
the mighty jimbo: Anticipation...
the mighty jimbo: So handsome.
the mighty jimbo: Squeaky doom.
the mighty jimbo: Should have named him "Kong"
the mighty jimbo: Guess who...
the mighty jimbo: Wahooligan.
the mighty jimbo: Bro...again.
the mighty jimbo: Photobooth fun.