the mighty jimbo: My "wife" got married last month.
the mighty jimbo: My favorite portrait of the bunch.
the mighty jimbo: Dumb luck.
the mighty jimbo: Learn to watch for the right moments.
the mighty jimbo: Another High ISO winner.
the mighty jimbo: Smitten. Clearly.
the mighty jimbo: More wedding shots.
the mighty jimbo: Lucky bastard, that Fred dude.
the mighty jimbo: At least one turned out ok.
the mighty jimbo: The required staged shots.
the mighty jimbo: A little different...
the mighty jimbo: Everyone say, "Awwwwww..."
the mighty jimbo: I think this might be my favorite so far.
the mighty jimbo: Smitten - edit.
the mighty jimbo: More smooches...
the mighty jimbo: Together at last.
the mighty jimbo: This one still needs work.
the mighty jimbo: The dress.
the mighty jimbo: All off the market.
the mighty jimbo: Another edit...
the mighty jimbo: Never know how to put these things on.
the mighty jimbo: Theta sisters.