the mighty jimbo: Another good reason to bring the cam on the dog walk in the morning.
the mighty jimbo: Ridgeline.
the mighty jimbo: More of the same
the mighty jimbo: Still festive.
the mighty jimbo: Same ol, same ol.
the mighty jimbo: Different perspectives
the mighty jimbo: The gates.
the mighty jimbo: Lots of us made it out for the show.
the mighty jimbo: Sunset was nice too.
the mighty jimbo: A few more...
the mighty jimbo: Both directions were worthwhile.
the mighty jimbo: A good way to start the new year.
the mighty jimbo: A few more...
the mighty jimbo: Better than coffee.
the mighty jimbo: A few more...
the mighty jimbo: Triangles.
the mighty jimbo: Low tide.
the mighty jimbo: Five years, four walking Josh down there, and never noticed this before.
the mighty jimbo: Sail away.
the mighty jimbo: Newport Living
the mighty jimbo: Newport Living
the mighty jimbo: Felt like bringing the cam on the dog walk...
the mighty jimbo: Reminds me of a sleestack.
the mighty jimbo: Pugilistic.