themightyadam: Hives01
themightyadam: Hives02
themightyadam: Hives03
themightyadam: Picking up bees at the bee store.
themightyadam: 3 pounds of bees
themightyadam: Another close-up
themightyadam: Package of bees
themightyadam: Getting things set up
themightyadam: The queen
themightyadam: Marshmallows
themightyadam: Marshmallowed!
themightyadam: Beeeeeeees!
themightyadam: about to shake the second hipackage
themightyadam: Shake shake shake
themightyadam: Putting the frames back in
themightyadam: Pouring the bees in.
themightyadam: Cover on top
themightyadam: All done
themightyadam: Sugared Bees